Bus riders in the Triangle are invited to weigh in on proposed fare hikes for and Officials for the agencies say they haven't raised fares since 2005 for Triangle Transit and the last time Raleigh buses raised rates was in 2007.
John Tallmadge is the Director of Regional Services Development for Triangle Transit. He says ridership has more than doubled for his service since the last rate hike.
"We undertook an analysis of how our customer fare revenue was keeping up with expenses and we came up with a recommendation to increase the fares in 2014 and in 2015 to keep better pace with inflationary costs," Tallmadge says.
Tallmadge says the 50 cents to $1.00 increases would help replace buses and expand service. A series of six public meetings begins next Wednesday at the downtown Durham bus station. He says customers can look at the proposals online at .