Alma Adams /tags/alma-adams Alma Adams en-US Copyright Fri, 29 May 2020 12:28:56 GMT Congress Gave Extra Aid to HBCUs. Will It Be Enough? /education/2020-05-29/congress-gave-extra-aid-to-hbcus-will-it-be-enough Maria Lumpkin was drawn to St. Augustine's University years ago. She remembers driving into campus for the first time and seeing the historic stone… Fri, 29 May 2020 12:28:56 GMT /education/2020-05-29/congress-gave-extra-aid-to-hbcus-will-it-be-enough Liz Schlemmer Q&A: Takeaways From NC's 2016 Congressional Redistricting /politics/2016-02-19/q-a-takeaways-from-ncs-2016-congressional-redistricting North Carolina lawmakers met a Friday deadline to complete a court-ordered rewrite of the state's congressional voting maps. They also postponed the… Sat, 20 Feb 2016 04:17:59 GMT /politics/2016-02-19/q-a-takeaways-from-ncs-2016-congressional-redistricting Jorge Valencia The Four Biggest Changes Republicans Are Proposing For NC's Congressional Districts /politics/2016-02-18/the-four-biggest-changes-republicans-are-proposing-for-ncs-congressional-districts Republican legislative leaders proposed a new outline for North Carolina’s 13 congressional districts on Wednesday, moving two incumbents out of districts… Thu, 18 Feb 2016 12:29:39 GMT /politics/2016-02-18/the-four-biggest-changes-republicans-are-proposing-for-ncs-congressional-districts Jorge Valencia Two Congressional Districts Declared Unconstitutional /show/the-state-of-things/2016-02-08/two-congressional-districts-declared-unconstitutional A federal appellate court declared North Carolina's 1st and 12th Congressional Districts unconstitutional because they were gerrymandered on race. The… Mon, 08 Feb 2016 17:07:59 GMT /show/the-state-of-things/2016-02-08/two-congressional-districts-declared-unconstitutional Laura Lee, Frank Stasio Two Congressional Districts Declared Unconstitutional /law/2016-02-08/two-congressional-districts-declared-unconstitutional A federal appellate court declared North Carolina's 1st and 12th Congressional Districts unconstitutional because they were gerrymandered on race. The… Mon, 08 Feb 2016 17:07:59 GMT /law/2016-02-08/two-congressional-districts-declared-unconstitutional Laura Lee, Frank Stasio Federal Court Strikes Down NC Congressional Districts /politics/2016-02-05/federal-court-strikes-down-nc-congressional-districts Federal judges have struck down the maps of two congressional districts in North Carolina.A three judge panel from the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of… Sat, 06 Feb 2016 02:13:42 GMT /politics/2016-02-05/federal-court-strikes-down-nc-congressional-districts Jeff Tiberii N.C. Congressional Members Respond To The State of The Union /show/the-state-of-things/2016-01-13/n-c-congressional-members-respond-to-the-state-of-the-union President Obama gave his final State of the Union address last night. He outlined his vision for the coming year and detailed what he sees as the biggest… Wed, 13 Jan 2016 17:14:48 GMT /show/the-state-of-things/2016-01-13/n-c-congressional-members-respond-to-the-state-of-the-union Anita Rao, Charlie Shelton-Ormond, Will Michaels, Laura Lee, Frank Stasio N.C. Congressional Members Respond To The State of The Union /politics/2016-01-13/n-c-congressional-members-respond-to-the-state-of-the-union President Obama gave his final State of the Union address last night. He outlined his vision for the coming year and detailed what he sees as the biggest… Wed, 13 Jan 2016 17:14:48 GMT /politics/2016-01-13/n-c-congressional-members-respond-to-the-state-of-the-union Andrew Tie A Nominee And A Runoff: Open Congressional Races /politics/2014-05-07/a-nominee-and-a-runoff-open-congressional-races Voters narrowed the crowded field of candidates in two open congressional races last night. They chose a Democratic nominee in the 12th and narrowed a… Wed, 07 May 2014 11:37:36 GMT /politics/2014-05-07/a-nominee-and-a-runoff-open-congressional-races Jeff Tiberii Six Democrats Seeking Nomination To Replace Watt In Gerrymandered 12th District /politics/2014-04-22/six-democrats-seeking-nomination-to-replace-watt-in-gerrymandered-12th-district The primary is now two weeks away. In the 12th Congressional District, half a dozen democratic candidates are campaigning to replace Mel Watt. He was… Tue, 22 Apr 2014 17:44:10 GMT /politics/2014-04-22/six-democrats-seeking-nomination-to-replace-watt-in-gerrymandered-12th-district Jeff Tiberii