Tara /tags/tara Tara en-US Copyright Fri, 16 Oct 2020 15:51:04 GMT Worshipping The Divine Feminine /arts-culture/2020-10-16/worshipping-the-divine-feminine The Pachamama, La Virgen, Parvati, Ala, Hera, the Cailleach, and the White Buffalo Calf Woman. Devotion to a masculine god was not always as widespread as… Fri, 16 Oct 2020 15:51:04 GMT /arts-culture/2020-10-16/worshipping-the-divine-feminine Grant Holub-Moorman, Frank Stasio Worshipping The Divine Feminine /show/the-state-of-things/2020-10-16/worshipping-the-divine-feminine The Pachamama, La Virgen, Parvati, Ala, Hera, the Cailleach, and the White Buffalo Calf Woman. Devotion to a masculine god was not always as widespread as… Fri, 16 Oct 2020 15:51:04 GMT /show/the-state-of-things/2020-10-16/worshipping-the-divine-feminine Grant Holub-Moorman, Frank Stasio