For more than five decades, has been working behind the scenes of the film industry as a grip—a master lighting and rigging technician who provides the support to make shots possible.
He was born near in England and raised in a family of film technicians who convinced him to join the family trade when he was 18. Since then he has worked on more than 100 films around the world, ranging from Death on the Nile to Star Wars. He came to Wilmington for the first time in 1985 to support the new studio and train other grips, but he moved there permanently in the early 90s when he started his own grip company, . He and his crew helped rig tricky shots for scenes like the waterfall scene in The Last of the Mohicans or the famous shootout in Heat.
Host Frank Stasio talks to Huse about his long career and strong passion for the film business.
Here are some of the famous scenes that Chunky helped film: