Pittsboro resident Kaye Lewy met her husband Edward 67 years ago. Kay was 14 years old and Edward was 16. They were high school sweethearts, until Kay suddenly ended their relationship – telling him “a girl can be fickle.”
Edward joined the Coast Guard, and Kaye became a psychologist. They married other people and had children, but after Edward’s wife passed away, he started thinking about Kaye. And even though he had not seen her in 54 years, he tracked her down and sent her a letter. They told their story at the StoryCorps booth in Durham, North Carolina.
Edward Lewy has been married to Kaye for 14 years, and they live in Pittsboro. They told their story at the StoryCorps booth at the American Tobacco Historic Campus. All StoryCorps interviews are archived at the Library of Congress.