Raleigh city officials have plans for several new residential developments in the middle of the capital city. They say it's part of their master plan to entice not only new residents but new business downtown.
It is also an indication that Raleigh is doing well economically. City Planning Director Mitchell Silver says residences that are on the drawing board or under construction are geared toward not just urban professionals, but families.
"For us it sends a very strong message that when you're trying to accommodate the housing choices for all people, the re some cities that only offer suburban options," says Silver. "We wanted to offer different options for people who live in our city that don't want to own a car, or only want to use one on a short term basis, that they want to walk to amenities and restaurants."
Silver says the approach stems from when they determined that more interest in multi-family units in the heart of downtown would be a byproduct brought on by businesses capitalizing on the economic recovery.