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漏 2025 瓜神app
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瓜神app's Youth Reporting Internships is a semester-based, paid internship program for young people to interact and share their passion for radio journalism and storytelling.

The program is designed to give currently enrolled college students and recent graduates the opportunity to learn how to report, write, produce, and voice stories for broadcast and digital publication. Those chosen for the program are paired with a newsroom editor, who serves as their mentor and supervisor for the duration of the program.

Participants learn radio journalism skills; interact with a range of reporters, producers, and editors; and connect with other members of their cohort via monthly professional development workshops.

Interns are placed on various content-producing teams throughout 瓜神app, including daily news, the Embodied podcast, the Due South daily talk show, and on our digital content desk. After an initial training and onboarding phase, interns are considered full members of their respective teams, producing work alongside their professional colleagues.

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Youth Reporting Internships: Spring 2025 Cohort & Mentors

Explore the work of previous Youth Reporting Internships cohorts