A new survey by shows the millennial generation may not be having an easy time in the workplace.
Millennials – those age 35 and younger – are known for their technological and creative advantages in the workplace.
But Duke Finance Professor John Graham says 53-percent of CFOs say millennials tend to be less loyal to the company and 46-percent say they exhibit an attitude of entitlement.
“That’s a big number, so it’s a big issue for companies to wrestle with, how to get the most out of millennials in a positive way," said Graham.
Graham, who is director of the CFO survey, says he was surprised to find fewer than half of companies are making changes to accommodate millennials.
“They also bring a little bit more of kind of a free agent approach, perhaps to the workforce. A little bit more focused on maybe their own personal career development, or what am I getting out of this," said Graham.
Graham says other regions of the world, like Latin America and Asia have been more accommodating to millennials. Numbers show about 70% of firms in those parts of the world have adapted to hire and retain millennials.
The survey shows the most common ways to adapt to young workers is flexible work hours, working from home, implementing new mentoring programs and altering corporate culture.