Following a two-year investigation by the SBI, the Forsyth County district attorney says it appears that about 20 possible crimes were not reported by local school officials to law enforcement. D.A. Jim O'Neill called on the State to examine reporting practices by the school district. The investigation turned up about 20 cases that were eventually prosecuted but not properly reported. The district maintains the lack of reporting was a misinterpretation of the law and not malicious. "Since this investigation started we have been working very closely with the District Attorney and with law enforcement to make sure we are you know reporting things correctly and efficiently and we share the same goals that they have which is to make sure children are safe when they're in our schools," said spokesperson Theo Helm.
The school now keeps a record of all allegations, including those that don't result in discipline. Helm said the district has no additional plans for procedural changes at this time. District Attorney O'Neill did not return multiple calls seeking comment.