Much of central North Carolina was hit with freezing rain overnight.
National Weather Service Meteorologist Scott Sharp says ice will linger throughout the morning.
“Temperatures here across the Triangle today are in the upper 20s, and probably will not rise much above freezing until about lunchtime or so.”
North Carolina Department of Transportation Spokesman Steve Abbott says salt trucks were busy yesterday, and the roads themselves are mostly dry.
“But it's those overpasses, ramps, where you have cold air underneath and the cold air above, where the trouble is,” says Abbott. “So we have sand and salt trucks out all over the place today re-checking the places that traditionally go bad.”

Abbott says crews will apply more salt to areas reported by police and motorists.
“Be very, very careful still,” Abbott says. “Allow extra time. Do not bumper to bumper it, because you need space in case the vehicle in front of you hits a patch. The dreaded black ice will be out there in some places.”
The North Carolina Department of Transportation has received reports of a numerous accidents on roadways.