For a century, utility companies in North Carolina simply dumped coal ash in nearby pits and ponds. But within the last several decades, other states have found uses for coal ash in construction and road-building, limiting the amount that makes it into the landfills.
During its second full meeting Wednesday, the heard the many ways states like Wisconsin, Ohio, and South Carolina are reusing coal ash.
“We need a corporate commitment from North Carolina public utilities and not just our big one,” said Jim Hardin, a coal ash combustion engineer with CH2M, referring to Duke Energy. “Beneficial re-use is down in every type of power generation.”
Duke Energy currently stores about 108 million tons of coal ash in 32 ponds across the state. The Coal Ash Management Commission was formed by the state Legislature after a massive coal ash spill on the Dan River last February.
Coal ash, if it is encapsulated, can be reused in products ranging from cement to roofing tiles to makeup.
Coal ash that has already been dumped in ponds is less likely to be commercially viable.
The industry leader is Wisconsin Energy. It reuses about 95 percent of its coal ash and has higher electricity rates.
“We’re at about 30-to-35 percent recycling, maybe a little less, in our state,” said Hardin.
At least one environmental advocacy group .
The Coal Ash Commission’s next report to the Legislature will focus on the opportunities, challenges, and costs of reusing coal ash.