Climate change was a prominent global topic in 2015, with both the Paris climate talks and the Pope’s encyclical stirring up conversation about the future of the planet.
But questions remain about what role businesses and community institutions should play in the ongoing effort. Some say that the Pope’s encyclical speaks to a need for religious leaders to step up in the movement, while others say that the business community needs to take the lead.
The Wake Forest University School of Divinity hosts a panel discussion at the Wake Forest University Charlotte Center in Charlotte at 7 p.m. tonight called “.” Entrepreneurs, biologists and scholars will examine many aspects of climate change.
Host Frank Stasio previews the conversation with two of the panelists: Wake Forest University School of Divinity professor , and , professor of biology at Wake Forest University.
The music in this segment was provided by . When she isn't leading Afro punk band , her music takes a turn toward a stripped-down, pop R&B aesthetic. Her acoustic guitar provides the rhythm while her versatile voice drives her song's melodies.