On the Season 3 finale, Laura turns the mic over to folks in the DWG community. Listeners share details from their personal, yet highly relatable, gray dating journeys. And they ask Laura to tap experts to address their questions related to sex, grown kids, and money. (Guess which topic makes Laura really squirm!)
Sexuality educator, researcher, and writer Jane Fleishman talks with Laura about mutually pleasurable experiences after a caller in her early 70s reveals her boyfriend doesn’t seem to have a clue about erogenous zones. Then, Laura chats with Carol Hughes, a licensed marriage and family therapist. Carol weighs in on introducing grown kids to significant others after a listener frets that her partner of five years still hasn’t met hers. And after a caller admits she ended a three-month relationship over financial concerns, Laura gets wisdom from Lynnette Khalfani-Cox. A personal financial advisor, coach, and author of several books about money, Lynnette says happily ever after is possible for two people who aren’t financial equals...but it might be tricky.
That's a wrap on Season 3! These episodes would not have been possible without you — the curious, kind and enthusiastic members of our podcast community. There's more to come from Dating While Gray so make sure you stay in touch. Click to join our e-newsletter. Follow Laura on and Email datingwhilegray@wunc.org. Or use the widget below to leave a voicemail for Laura.