Meet the Guests:
- , who is known as "The Period Doctor," talks about how period blood can inform menstruators about other things going on in their bodies, and why we don't want to think of a period as "a detox"
- , a certified exercise physiologist and menstrual embodiment mentor, traces her connections to menstruation activism back to her grandmother and how art has helped her feel connected to her period
- , a reproductive and menstrual health liberation activist and researcher, shares how complex trauma can affect menstruation and how community has been significant in her experience of her period
- , attorney and executive director of the Birnbaum Women's Leadership Center at the NYU School of Law, discusses how and why she coined the term "menstrual equity" in 2015 and what she's paying attention to in terms of period policy this election year
Dig Deeper:
Omisade's work with
Dr. Charis Chamber’s and accounts (check her out on too, why not!)
Explore the
Join Vianey's
Jennifer Weiss-Wolf’s book
Why 2015 was the ""
Learn more about the
Kiran Gandhi on
The for Lina Lyte Plioplyte's film "Periodical"
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