Outgoing Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker is on somewhat of a farewell tour today. First off is the Human Relation Commission's "Unity Day" at the Convention Center this morning. One big issue they'll be discussing is the proposed constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage and domestic unions in the state. Meeker doesn't mince words about that.
Charles Meeker: "It's a discriminatory amendment meant to put down one group, put on the ballot for political reasons. So it's one of those things that's done for partisan reasons."
Meeker will also light the holiday tree on City Plaza this evening at 8. It's one of Meeker's final official public acts. He's stepping down after 10 years as mayor. But he's not slowing down.
Meeker: "Well you know the mayor's only a part-time position and I've been practicing law about 2/3rds of the time, so now I'm going full-time with the law firm. I'll have a little time to travel with my wife. We also have our daughter getting married next spring, so it's a very busy time."
Mayor-elect Nancy McFarlane will be sworn in on Monday.