This week President Donald Trump announced he wanted an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from the fight against ISIS in Syria. In a news conference with Baltic leaders Trump said the U.S. was “very successful against ISIS.” The president has since pulled back on an urgent removal plan, and instead instructed the military to withdraw from the conflict within a few months.
Also this week, Trump said he wanted to dispatch the military to shore up the border with Mexico. The White House quickly swooped in to clarify that Trump was referring specifically to the National Guard. Plus concerns about the ethics of Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt continued this week. Pruitt leased a room in a Capitol Hill condo co-owned by a healthcare lobbyist at a eyebrow-raising low rate. It is another yellow flag after the EPA official came under fire for giving large raises to two of his staff. The Political Junkie speaks with host Frank Stasio about the week in Washington.