Vermont Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is on a three-day tour of college campuses in the Carolinas. He rallied a crowd at UNC Chapel Hill Thursday evening."I need your help. I need your help, but more importantly we need each other,” Sander said to the crowd. “We need each other -- to help me win the election -- but we need each other to transform this country."
I need your help, but more importantly we need each other. We need each other -- to help me win the election -- but we need each other to transform this country. -Bernie Sanders
The biggest hit with the crowd packed into the Bell Tower Amphitheater: Sanders’ promise to make college tuition free and wipe out student debt.
“If Trump and his friends could give over a trillion dollars in tax breaks to large, profitable corporations and to the 1%, you know what we can do? And will do? We're going to cancel all student debt in America,” said Sanders, who is visiting Bennett College in Greensboro today.
As a first-time voter in 2016, Megan Guzman convinced her parents to vote for Sanders with her. She's not sure if she'll support him again.
"It really depends on if -- if it looks like Bernie is definitely not gonna get the support, then I'm gonna go to Warren,” Guzman said.
Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has surpassed Sanders in the newest polls.
Frontrunner and former Vice President Joe Biden just got the endorsement of North Carolina Congressman G.K. Butterfield, who told the Associated Press Warren and Sanders are too far left.
The Associated Press and app Daily app Editor Amy Jeffries contributed to this report.
Check out a photo gallery from photos of the Sanders rally below: