Duke University has teamed up with the to connect today’s young organizers with activists of the civil rights era. The project is called “,” and its aim is to pass on informational wealth from the organizers of SNCC to the young people of today, to help inform their activism. Instead of solely taking information from the SNCC activists, researchers treated the activists as partners and fellow scholars in their collaboration on this project.Host Frank Stasio talks to , former SNCC field secretary and journalist. Cobb has authored multiple books, including “” (Duke University Press/2015). Cobb shares stories from his days in SNCC and outlines some common misconceptions about the civil rights movement.
Stasio also talks to , SNCC scholar and director of the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke. She’s also a research professor at the Franklin Humanities Institute. And Ajamu Dillahunt Holloway joins the conversation to share his experience as a young organizer. Holloway is a junior at North Carolina Central University, a member of the Black Youth Project 100 Durham chapter, and an intern with the SNCC Digital Gateway Project. A about the SNCC Digital Gateway begins Friday, March 23 at Duke University.