Officials with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will hold an open house and presentation in Holly Springs Monday evening. Federal officials will review the performance of the Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant. The facility is about 20 miles southwest of Raleigh and operated by Duke Energy. Part of the plant was determined to have a small crack in a nuclear reactor. Duke corrected that issue without any significant incident.
"The Harris Nuclear Plant as determined by the NR operated in a manner during 2013 that preserved public health and safety and they met all NRC objectives. They were, earlier in the year, subject to increased oversight based on an issue that had to do with the ventilation system," said Roger Hannah, with the NRC.
The Harris nuclear plant is one of three that Duke operates in the state. It opened in the 1980s and provides electricity to customers in the region. Tonight's meeting starts at 5pm and has two objectives.
- To talk about the performance of the plant during the previous calendar year
- To provide an opportunity for people living in the area to ask questions or express concerns.
Within the state Duke Energy also operates nuclear power plants outside of Charlotte and in Southport.