Over the past several years, the words “intentional,” “gentle” and “conscious” parenting have been showing up more and more on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and parenting blogs. Just like the concept has no one name, there’s no specific regimen or set of rules that define gentle parenting. But those who practice it lean away from physical punishment and time outs in favor of age-appropriate communication and empathy to talk about consequences and respect.
And many find that it not only improves their relationships with their kids, but their understanding of themselves, their parents and their partners.
In this episode, guest host interweaves her own journey as a parent into a conversation with two other Black mothers.
is from Southern California, a mother of three boys and a wife of 10 years. As a multi-viral digital creator, Destiny has shared her life-based teachings on parenting, marriage and overcoming generational trauma as it relates to the two. Destiny is a best-selling author and homeschool advocate with a heart for community and a mission to inspire and heal.
And Trina Greene, a returning voice to Embodied, is the founder of , a virtual community that supports Black people raising Black children through culture, equity and justice. She is also a mama, a lecturer at California State University, Fullerton and the author of “.”
Omisade also reflects on her three-decade parenting evolution with her eldest son, Ché Nembhard. He is the co-founder of , a digital media & film group, and he is a senior writer at , a digital product and brand experience innovation company.
Special thanks to Gabriel, also known as , and Courtney for sharing their thoughts with us on gentle parenting.
Five Accounts to Follow If You’re Curious About Conscious Parenting
Natasha Nelson is a Certified Positive Discipline Educator, veteran and mother to two autistic Black girls. Follow her account for examples of how she practices positive parenting and autism acceptance with her kids.
*She also hosts workshops!
Iris Chen is a “deconstructing tiger mom.” Her account, blog and book, “Untigering,” share resources on peaceful parenting and describe the journey she’s gone on from authoritarian parenting to gentle parenting.
Shelly Robinson is a certified family wellness coach and mom of two. She helps parents understand their own traumas and vulnerabilities so they can better create the relationship they want with their child/ren.
*Check out her resources on yelling and backtalk!
Chazz Lewis, or “Mr. Chazz,” is a parenting and teacher coach, helping those who educate and rear children to avoid power struggles and frustration with kids and find joyful, effective strategies for communicating and interacting.
*Mr Chazz also makes content for kids on YouTube!
Parenting for Liberation is a virtual community offering resources and connections for Black families, founded by Trina Greene. P4L seeks to help Black families raise children without fear.
*Check out their podcast for great interviews on parenting content!