Wonder Woman is an iconic superhero best known for her battle skills and formidable weapons. The Amazonian warrior princess is often seen with her Lasso of Truth, invisible airplane and indestructible bracelets. She first appeared in comic books in 1941, but her image and character has since soared far beyond the page.
Triangle-based theater group Summer Sisters used the pop-culture icon as inspiration for a new experimental theater piece called “Behind the Boots.” It explores the connections between heroism, feminism, truth, justice, and their own everyday lives.
The play is on stage at at 8 p.m.
Host Frank Stasio previews the production with three Summer Sisters artists: is an acting coach and instructor at NC State who founded and directs the group; is a freelance theater artist who co-leads and directs the group; and works in the theater department at Duke University and has participated in every Summer Sisters’ performance.
Watch the trailer for the play below: