When North Carolina duo started recording their debut album, they planned to feature a drummer, plus band members Lizzy Ross and Omar Ruiz-Lopez. But once the tape started rolling, Ross and Ruiz-Lopez realized the music warranted a bigger sound.
The finished product, “Honey In My Heart,” has that full-band depth — a contrast to the two musicians’ traditionally intimate on-tour performances. Though the pair resist being pigeon-holed by the limitations of genre, the LP features what listeners will recognize as a blend of folk, bluegrass and indie-pop. Host Anita Rao talks to Ross and Ruiz-Lopez about the process of recording the new album and about the persistence of music in their lives.
The duo performs at the Greensboro at 8 p.m. and on May 2 at .
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Note: This segment originally aired Oct. 4, 2019.