Jim Goodmon was immersed in the world of broadcasting as a young kid, watching his grandfather build Capitol Broadcasting Company from the ground up. He…
Jim Goodmon was immersed in the world of broadcasting as a young kid, watching his grandfather build Capitol Broadcasting Company from the ground up. He…
American music can be traced back to the blues, jazz, and many more roots music. The legacy of these roots comes alive this Thursday, June 13, with a…
Durham community leaders, artists and residents are working to make sure downtown remains people-friendly as it grows.After a year of getting to know…
Durham-based Bronto Software has been sold for $200 million dollars to NetSuite of San Mateo, California.Bronto Software, founded in 2002, has been…
Start-up companies and entrepreneurs housed at The American Underground in Durham and Raleigh will now also have access to free work space in Silicon…
Durham is the first stop on the national Google Glass tour.No, these titanium framed wearable computers are not for sale yet. The Google X Team says it…
The American Tobacco Factory shut down manufacturing in Durham in 1987. For years this space sat idle and deteriorating.But in 2004, Glaxo moved in as the…
The American Tobacco Factory shut down manufacturing in Durham in 1987. For years this space sat idle and deteriorating.But in 2004, Glaxo moved in as the…
A task force of civic, arts, and business leaders says the arts can be an economic engine for North Carolina. The panel has released recommendations as…