Two think tanks — both nurtured and sustained financially over the years by the family of longtime conservative political donor Art Pope — are merging.The…
House Speaker Thom Tillis is the target of a new ad that criticizes the state legislature’s cuts to education.The Senate Majority PAC spent $800,000 on…
Officials at the University of North Carolina have given a conservative think-tank hundreds of emails from a professor who has been an outspoken critic of…
When NC NAACP President William Barber sparred with state budget director Art Pope about the state’s political policies, it made headlines. The exchange…
When NC NAACP President William Barber sparred with state budget director Art Pope about the state’s political policies, it made headlines. The exchange…
The Civitas Institute posted an online database of Moral Monday/Witness Wednesday arrestees yesterday on its website, prompting a flood of responses and…
Gene Nichol, Director of the Center on Poverty, Work & Opportunity at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said on The State of Things today…
Gene Nichol, Director of the Center on Poverty, Work & Opportunity at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said on The State of Things today…