Diet culture is the water we're all swimming in. Anita unpacks the science that props it up with a registered dietician and certified internal medicine physician. She also hears how folks are pushing back against the ways it manifests in the doctor's office, on the trails, and in the gym.
Athletes who push their bodies to muscular limits take Anita inside their physique sport. She explores their personal motivations and talks with a health professional about the toll this kind of training takes on competitors' physical and mental health.
Muscular builds and strict regimens are common in the culture of bodybuilding and those in the sport navigate how bodybuilding impacts their relationships with their bodies and mental health.
Gyms and fitness spaces have long been spaces for white, heteronormative and able-bodied people. The inclusive fitness movement aims to break down that fitness culture to make movement accessible to all bodies, and to celebrate movement for reasons other than changing your body to look like something it’s not.
Yoga in the Western world often looks like a 30-minute class that goes through a series of physical poses. But this is only a piece of yoga's intended spiritual and cultural practices...and many are working to bring the intersection of power, cultural appropriation, fitness culture and yoga to light.
If you have ever been on a diet, you know the pure vulnerability of getting weighed at the doctor’s office. Standing on an old metal scale with your shoes…
If you have ever been on a diet, you know the pure vulnerability of getting weighed at the doctor’s office. Standing on an old metal scale with your shoes…
Putting on running shoes and heading out for a jog is not a straightforward affair for black men. Runner Rendell Smith remembers a white woman who was so…
Putting on running shoes and heading out for a jog is not a straightforward affair for black men. Runner Rendell Smith remembers a white woman who was so…
Images of women’s bodies are now more prolific than ever. From media advertisements to fitness blogs and Facebook feeds, photos of women’s bodies are…