The Beaufort County town of Aurora, population 450, is one of a number of rural communities staking their economic futures on industrial park developments designed to attract employers.
Reynolds American and Lorillard, two of the country’s biggest tobacco producers, announced a merger yesterday that is expected to reshape the tobacco…
Reynolds American and Lorillard, two of the country’s biggest tobacco producers, announced a merger yesterday that is expected to reshape the tobacco…
A recent deal between the biopharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis may mean more jobs and more attention for the Research Triangle. Plus,…
A recent deal between the biopharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis may mean more jobs and more attention for the Research Triangle. Plus,…
For decades, the textile industry was an essential part of North Carolina’ economy. But the industry took a huge hit in the early 2000s due to outsourcing…
For decades, the textile industry was an essential part of North Carolina’ economy. But the industry took a huge hit in the early 2000s due to outsourcing…