A North Carolina man was convicted Friday of a charge he anonymously threatened to lynch a Muslim-American man who ran for a state Senate seat in…
As a young Muslim-American journalist, Yasmin Bendaas pays particular attention to how Muslim women are represented in the media.As international media…
As a young Muslim-American journalist, Yasmin Bendaas pays particular attention to how Muslim women are represented in the media.As international media…
In the past decade, Omid Safi has become one of the country’s leading voices in discourse around Islam and Islamophobia. His public commitments range from…
In the past decade, Omid Safi has become one of the country’s leading voices in discourse around Islam and Islamophobia. His public commitments range from…
Hate crimes targeting Muslims, their mosques and businesses tripled in 2015, according to a study from California State University, San Bernadino. And…
Hate crimes targeting Muslims, their mosques and businesses tripled in 2015, according to a study from California State University, San Bernadino. And…
When Deah Barakat was an undergraduate at NC State University, his father bought him a white house about five miles from campus. But Deah, who lived with…