North Carolina became forever known around the world as the state that outlawed climate change a few minutes after 11:30 p.m. on June 4th, 2012. That’s…
Governor Pat McCrory met yesterday in Wilmington with the Coastal Resources Commission. The CRC advises state government on zoning, building, and other…
In 2010, the Science Panel that advises the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission released a report. It said the state could expect a 39-inch…
The panel responsible for studying sea-level rise along North Carolina's coast met Monday in New Bern. It was the first meeting under a new mandate to…
The group that implements rules along the North Carolina coast has decided to shrink the scope of a study on sea level rise.The Coastal Resources…
House lawmakers have substantially rewritten a controversial bill that would revamp and eliminate many state commissions. The Senate's version of S-B 10…
North Carolina lawmakers are considering a bill that would use historical record rather than scientific methodology to predict rising sea levels. It’s in…
North Carolina lawmakers are considering a bill that would use historical record rather than scientific methodology to predict rising sea levels. It’s in…