The North Carolina Department of Commerce is out with economic distress rankings for all 100 counties.
North Carolina鈥檚 unemployment rate edged downward in September. But some still call the latest jobless report 鈥渕ixed.鈥漈he state鈥檚 jobless rate sits at 6.7鈥
Leaders in economic development circles across the state are speaking out against the General Assembly's decision to end the short legislative session鈥
North Carolina鈥檚 unemployment rate hasn鈥檛 moved much in the past several months as the state continues its slow trek towards job growth.The North Carolina鈥
The House of Representatives has been busy working on a budget plan for the state and other large pieces of legislation. Here's a summary of the days news鈥
At first glance, there are several signs North Carolina鈥檚 job market is improving. In fact, last week, the state Commerce Department reported the jobless鈥
Former state Commerce secretary Keith Crisco has died. The Democrat faced American Idol contestant Clay Aiken in the Second Congressional District. Last鈥
The state Division of Employment Security has the OK from the U.S. Department of Labor to stop providing attorneys with hearing notices of unemployed鈥
Thousands of jobless North Carolinians have been waiting for several weeks to get their first unemployment check. State officials say they hope to have鈥
North Carolina companies are in the midst of a sustainable energy boom. Solar farms have bloomed, wind farms could be on their way, and local鈥