In 2002, the art world was rocked to its foundation by a group of unusual, abstract quilts made by African American women from Gee’s Bend, Alabama. Gee’s…
In 2002, the art world was rocked to its foundation by a group of unusual, abstract quilts made by African American women from Gee’s Bend, Alabama. Gee’s…
Mexican-American and Latino printmaking has strong roots in political activism. In the sixties, printmaking was used primarily to make posters, graphics…
Mexican-American and Latino printmaking has strong roots in political activism. In the sixties, printmaking was used primarily to make posters, graphics…
Romare Bearden is recognized as one of America's most important 20th century artists, known for his collages, paintings and prints depicting various…
Romare Bearden is recognized as one of America's most important 20th century artists, known for his collages, paintings and prints depicting various…