Are you about to have a medical procedure? Have you chosen a provider yet? Before you do, you might consider taking a look at what the procedure will…
Several area doctors star in a new video that is getting some buzz online. The video aims to answer the question of when it's appropriate to go to urgent…
Healthcare and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) continue to be a topic of discussion on the North Carolina campaign trails. Incumbent Senator Kay Hagan and…
Healthcare and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) continue to be a topic of discussion on the North Carolina campaign trails. Incumbent Senator Kay Hagan and…
Nash Health Care in Rocky Mount is the newest hospital to join the UNC Health System. Their affiliation agreement allows UNC to manage operations at…
Rex Healthcare is back on the road with a brand new mobile mammography unit screening for breast cancer.You can’t miss the shiny, pink and purple Mobile…
In May, the board of trustees of WakeMed Hospital in Raleigh made an offer to buy Rex Hospital from UNC Healthcare. UNC has owned Rex since 2000.Try…
UNC Health Care board members say they're not interested in selling Rex Hospital to WakeMed.Last week, officials at WakeMed sent a letter to U-N-C…
A proposal from WakeMed to buy Rex Healthcare from UNC is getting a chilly response. UNC president Thomas Ross said in a statement selling Rex Healthcare…