Emilio Delgado, who spent decades entertaining children playing Luis on Sesame Street, has died. His was the longest-running role for a Mexican American in a TV series. Delgado was 81.
As part of a special project targeted at military kids, Sesame Workshop and its Muppets are tackling the subjects of race, diversity, and discrimination.
Fred Rogers was an awkward, introverted child who spent his early years playing alone with puppets, tinkering on the piano and enjoying the company of his鈥
Fred Rogers was an awkward, introverted child who spent his early years playing alone with puppets, tinkering on the piano and enjoying the company of his鈥
For nearly five decades 鈥淪esame Street鈥 has used playful characters to teach kids about tough subjects. In recent years the show has addressed parental鈥
For nearly five decades 鈥淪esame Street鈥 has used playful characters to teach kids about tough subjects. In recent years the show has addressed parental鈥