The sweet potato is North Carolina's state vegetable and it’s a cornerstone of agriculture in the Tar Heel State.No state produces or exports more of the…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging Americans not to travel this Thanksgiving as cases of COVID-19 continue to rise nationwide. That…
The worst of the stormy weather has passed. But Brian Long of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services says the trouble is still…
Europeans, Brits and Canadians are responding to an aggressive campaign marketing sweet potatoes from North Carolina."The sweet potato to them is new,…
If you have lived in North Carolina for any amount of time, you have likely heard this is the sweet potato state. More sweet potatoes are grown here than…
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is giving millions of dollars to North Carolina State University to research sweet potatoes. The grant is aimed at…
Buyers of sweet potatoes grown in North Carolina will likely pay more for them at the market this year. North Carolina sweet potato growers have led the…