Wake County Schools is facing a projected $3 million budget shortfall that will likely require budget cuts this school year, district finance officials advised.
Wake County commissioners have unanimously passed a $2 billion budget for the next fiscal year. It increases spending on public schools by $58 million.
Public schools across North Carolina are facing a range of financial challenges this spring. Growing charter school and private school enrollment threaten traditional public schools' state and local funding. Meanwhile federal COVID relief money is set to expire. Managing all of this are school district's chief financial officers.
Wake Early College of Information and Biotechnologies held a groundbreaking ceremony Tuesday for the new campus.
State funding for school employee salaries hasn’t kept up with the cost of living in cities. Wake County Schools is struggling to keep employees, and that puts pressure on the county commission to raise local taxes.
The superintendent of Wake County Schools has shared a budget proposal that would require a 9% increase in county funding to pay for school employee raises and other school improvements.
The Wake County school board has voted to use local funds to reinstate master's degree pay for teachers and social workers who would have qualified under a repealed state law. The board also approved additional bonuses to reward bus drivers for perfect attendance.
Transportation director Bob Snidemiller told the school board this week that the district has lost over 169 bus drivers since 2019.
A parents group called the Safe Schools Polling Initiative raised concerns about unauthorized people on campuses while students are in class, following the school shooting in Uvalde Texas.
A federal program that provides free meals to all students will end July 30, so school systems are scrambling to set prices that reflect rising costs.