For the last several months, ¹ÏÉñapp has been airing the second hour of 1A at 11 a.m. and rebroadcasting hour one at 12 p.m. For various operations and editorial reasons, ¹ÏÉñapp is flipping those hours so that now hour one of the show will air at 11 a.m. and hour two will air at 12 p.m.
Hour one and hour two of 1A are usually completely different topics. Hour one tends to cover harder news topics, while hour two moves toward a softer or cultural subject. This is not always the case, but generally true.
Listeners will hear a difference on Fridays when 1A broadcasts their Friday news roundup shows. Now on ¹ÏÉñapp, listeners will hear the domestic news roundup at 11 a.m. and the international roundup at 12 p.m.
We invite listeners to begin their Friday recap of important news, with a roundup of important North Carolina news on ¹ÏÉñapp's Due South at 10 a.m.