Monday night, 15 Moral Monday protesters sat in front of Senate Leader Phil Berger’s door. Berger wasn't in his office, so the protesters sat there until the Senate session ended. Soon, State Capitol Police began to usher everyone out. They said that the building was closing, everyone had to leave. Reporter Dave DeWitt was with the protesters. He wrote about what happened next this way:
The protesters began to get ready to get arrested. But here’s where script took an unexpected turn. Just a few seconds later, Senator Berger came around the corner, pulled some couches into a circle, and offered to have a discussion. And that’s exactly what they did. For more than an hour and a half, Berger and the protesters discussed education policy and the challenges facing teachers. >> Listen to Dave's full story.
Dave DeWitt sat in on that session with his colleague Reema Khrais. The two live-tweeted the impromptu meeting. We'll start with Reema's tweets earlier in the day:
At press conference - today's focus is on public education
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
Teachers from say they're here to "school " and that legislators are currently receiving an "F"
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
Teachers from say they're here to "school " and that legislators are currently receiving an "F"
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
rally outside legislative building. Protesters say policies hurting public schls
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
Overseen at protests
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
officers tell protesters to leave, building closed. But protesters waiting for
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
15 Moral Monday teacher/protestors in front of Sen Phil Berger's office just before they will be arrested
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Check that. Sen Berger may agree to meet with protestors. If they agree to leave after.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
And actually showed up. Teachers/protesters say he's "just tardy."
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
Sen Phil Berger meeting with protestors right now.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Respectful discussion occurring between protestors and Sen Berger.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Teacher interrupts and says that schools seeing less resources says where would we get money?
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
Discussing Read to Achieve and $. "Real issue is where $ will come from." Teachers say they have that problem solved...
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Whatever your political view this is a remarkable discussion.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Now talking about Read to Achieve program says problems w rollout not legislation...but good law
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
Only people left in building: Sen Berger, few staffers, 20 media, 15 protestors, police, and soothing fountains
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Teachers explaining challenging conditions. Sen Berger patiently listening and giving long answers.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Discussion becoming slightly less polite. But still respectful. Have pulled couches into circle. Media hovering.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Teachers say they need smaller class sizes, could do so much more w more teacher time
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
If you dont have teacher assistants, contact your local school board, their responsibility says
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
Teachers say why do local school boards have to make those decisions whether to fund TAs
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
. defending Sen budget proposal. Says 7400 TAs won't be cut - local schools will move $ to keep many.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
That explanation has led to spirited response of underfunded ed budget.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Talk w getting heated. He says ed budget is not getting smaller, teachers say there's a pay freeze
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
Lots of talking over each other now. saying voters don't want tax increase. Heated exchange.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Anger coming through now. Protestors raising voices at who cites "family breakdown in NC"
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Protestors thank for meeting. Want to present case more. Sen Apodaca says they have dinner date at 8:45
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
. "sometimes we have differences but I wanted to listen to your voices here"
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
. comes back with unsponsored amendment to bill after break. Reading it aloud now. From Rev Barber letter.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Protestors ask for restoring TAs, salary increases, public mtg on what schools need.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Teachers have 3 asks: 1. All funding for TA be restored 2. Raises not be tied w giving up job protections 3. Public dialogue
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
. advises protestors to take concerns to their elected officials.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
. agrees to get back to protestors tomorrow about further meetings.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Teachers want a public dialogue wk 23-37, says he'll get back to them tomorrow. Teachers clap
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
. "no tax increase. Tell me where $ will come from."
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Teachers now asking that trading tenure for salary increase isn't fair. does not commit.
— Dave DeWitt (@DaveDeWitt)
Teachers now tell "don't take job protections away, don't tie it to raises"
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)
And meeting adjourned. Teachers say need to follow up & schedule public dialogue, he says he'll get back
— Reema Khrais (@reemakhrais)