The spectacle, ummm...sporting event, that is known as the is headed to Raleigh this April. Are you familiar with it?
The Rock 'n' Roll Marathon is a tour. It heads to cities around the U.S. and the world in order to stage marathons. Before they reach Raleigh, marathons will be held in New Orleans, Washington, DC, Dallas, and San Francisco. (They will also hold international events prior to reaching North Carolina, in Nice, France; and Madrid, Spain.)
but the runners won't be monument-watching much. The sidewalks and greenways will be packed with live musicians - local bands, national bands, cheerleaders. One wonders how the runners keep moving with so much music. Seems you'd want to sit down and, well, listen.
Many area runners have been training all year, some are just beginning to prepare. The thing we do know is that is will be fun, and likely crowded. .